#46 Easy Flight - Long Beach to Van Nuys in the Citation Mustang

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Published at : October 22, 2021

In this video we return N44DT back to our customers base in Van Nuys and fly it there from our FAA repair shop at Long Beach. In an earlier video we showed you how complex it is to fly from Van Nuys to Long Beach and we thought it'd be interesting to show you how relatively easy it is the other way around. We basically fly from Long Beach towards the LAX airport and head north into the downwind for runway 16R at Van Nuys.

Please let us know if you like these kind of flying videos sometimes to just mix up the content of the channel a little bit.

Thank you! If you have any questions in regards to buying or selling an aircraft or want to know what your aircraft might be worth on this crazy market, please contact me or our team! Contact info below!

#Citation #PrivateJet #Pilot

0:00 Intro
0:29 Clearance
2:20 Take Off
06:00 Over LAX
10:00 Visual Approach VNY
13:50 Landing at VNY
*DISCLAIMER: All videos are for entertainment purposes only. Do not refer to them as instructional videos due to heavy editing and clips being edited out of context.*
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flying_with_rich/?hl=en
Website: https://ocraviation.com/

Rich Manor
(562) 413-3251
Rich@ocraviation.com #46 Easy Flight - Long Beach to Van Nuys in the Citation Mustang
Long Beach to Van NuysCitation MustangFull Flight