I did the world's most viral challenges, only 1 try
Published at : October 19, 2021
I tried the most viral challenges, but I only have 1 try
● FORGED LONDON - https://forgedlondon.com/ (free shipping)
● The 90 Day Challenge Course (from the amazing commercial we made in this video): https://90dayworkoutchallenge.com/
You see the craziest videos online, like the ab roller on the barbell, but it looks so easy, first try.
But is it first try? Let's find out how we do.
Follow us on here:
Instagram: @StanBrowney, @GuyInTheBlueShirt
Check this out:
● The 90 Day Challenge Course - Transform yourself in 90 days: https://90dayworkoutchallenge.com/
● Gymshark: http://gym.sh/Shop-Browney
● MyProtein: http://tidd.ly/a5f49f61 (Code: Browney)
● My Podcast: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR0T8UH-8_htroK2v5gRMlQ?sub_confirmation=1
● Tunturi Workout Equipment: https://www.tunturi.com/browney (CODE: BROWNEY15)
More videos:
3 Guys Do 200 Push-ups a Day For 30 days, These Are The Results
My Brother His Incredible 90 Day Body Transformation | $500 CHALLENGE
- https://youtu.be/GabKxFy2hzs
I Got Shredded In 30 Days, Just To Have Abs
Working Out For 24 Hours Straight
- https://youtu.be/ECHc1L8etXo
I tried the most viral challenges, but I only have 1 try
- https://youtu.be/ZY8LiaFMCck
Videos in this video
1. Plate Flip L-sit: https://www.tiktok.com/@fit4dutycrew/video/6977370227843534086?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
2. Explosive Stipke Pushup: https://www.tiktok.com/@stipke/video/6978837512554908933?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
3. Ab roll out on Barbell: https://www.tiktok.com/@lamainethetrain/video/6968818039911369989?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
4. Ring Throw Punch: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQiQ15qFrHX/
5. Cup Push up: https://youtu.be/3c9R_Pfd3fg
6. Cups Push up: https://www.instagram.com/p/CUm1R7goFd0/
7. No hands dip world record: https://youtu.be/MDolaeXjlXE
8. Stick walk: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8NagQQn/
9. stick stand: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CUN_Z54oUUF/
10. Nordic hamstring curl: https://www.tiktok.com/@phil_truong/video/6940803943320571141?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
For business inquiries: TeamBrowney@scooperz.com
Copyright issues? Mail me.
If you read this hit the like button with your nose
● FORGED LONDON - https://forgedlondon.com/ (free shipping)
● The 90 Day Challenge Course (from the amazing commercial we made in this video): https://90dayworkoutchallenge.com/
You see the craziest videos online, like the ab roller on the barbell, but it looks so easy, first try.
But is it first try? Let's find out how we do.
Follow us on here:
Instagram: @StanBrowney, @GuyInTheBlueShirt
Check this out:
● The 90 Day Challenge Course - Transform yourself in 90 days: https://90dayworkoutchallenge.com/
● Gymshark: http://gym.sh/Shop-Browney
● MyProtein: http://tidd.ly/a5f49f61 (Code: Browney)
● My Podcast: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR0T8UH-8_htroK2v5gRMlQ?sub_confirmation=1
● Tunturi Workout Equipment: https://www.tunturi.com/browney (CODE: BROWNEY15)
More videos:
3 Guys Do 200 Push-ups a Day For 30 days, These Are The Results
My Brother His Incredible 90 Day Body Transformation | $500 CHALLENGE
- https://youtu.be/GabKxFy2hzs
I Got Shredded In 30 Days, Just To Have Abs
Working Out For 24 Hours Straight
- https://youtu.be/ECHc1L8etXo
I tried the most viral challenges, but I only have 1 try
- https://youtu.be/ZY8LiaFMCck
Videos in this video
1. Plate Flip L-sit: https://www.tiktok.com/@fit4dutycrew/video/6977370227843534086?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
2. Explosive Stipke Pushup: https://www.tiktok.com/@stipke/video/6978837512554908933?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
3. Ab roll out on Barbell: https://www.tiktok.com/@lamainethetrain/video/6968818039911369989?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
4. Ring Throw Punch: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQiQ15qFrHX/
5. Cup Push up: https://youtu.be/3c9R_Pfd3fg
6. Cups Push up: https://www.instagram.com/p/CUm1R7goFd0/
7. No hands dip world record: https://youtu.be/MDolaeXjlXE
8. Stick walk: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8NagQQn/
9. stick stand: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CUN_Z54oUUF/
10. Nordic hamstring curl: https://www.tiktok.com/@phil_truong/video/6940803943320571141?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
For business inquiries: TeamBrowney@scooperz.com
Copyright issues? Mail me.
If you read this hit the like button with your nose

Breaking The 10 Hardest Challenges In The World First TryBreaking The 10 Hardest Challenges In The WorldFirst Try