INVESTIGATING THE IMPOSSIBE with Bucks County Paranormal Investigations
Published at : October 28, 2021
Tonight, on the #Paranormal Portal, we welcome the BUCKS COUNTY PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS team to the show to discuss their amazing journey investigating some of the most incredible paranormal legends in America. From the #BeastofBrayRd to the #Jersey Devil, the team has been diving deep into these claims and investigating them in person! Featuring Eric Mintel, Dom Sattele and Ellen Collins, the team joins us to share their incredible journey! Buckle's gonna be a wild ride! Join us and we'll take you on a safari of the mind into the depths of the Paranormal Portal. Enter the Paranormal Portal...if you dare!
To keep up with the Bucks Countey Paranormal Investigations (BCPI) follow them on facebook at:
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Like the music on the Paranormal Portal? Download your copy today!
To Purchase the Paranormal Portal- Paranormal Investigation Journal, Click on the following Link:
**All Songs are the sole property of Brent Thomas, Copyright 2018**
**Views and opinions of guests and callers to the show do not necessarily reflect the views of the Paranormal Portal or it's hosts. The Paranormal Portal is simply a forum to discuss all things paranormal**
**If you want to help keep the Paranormal Portal going, please donate at
To keep up with the Bucks Countey Paranormal Investigations (BCPI) follow them on facebook at:
Show your paranormal pride! Head over to to get your portal gear TODAY!!!
To stay in touch with the Paranormal Portal community, check out our new Discord Server: Just search for Paranormal Portal
Like the music on the Paranormal Portal? Download your copy today!
To Purchase the Paranormal Portal- Paranormal Investigation Journal, Click on the following Link:
**All Songs are the sole property of Brent Thomas, Copyright 2018**
**Views and opinions of guests and callers to the show do not necessarily reflect the views of the Paranormal Portal or it's hosts. The Paranormal Portal is simply a forum to discuss all things paranormal**
**If you want to help keep the Paranormal Portal going, please donate at

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