Remnant: From the Ashes- Punching the Unclean One to Death On Apocalypse Difficulty.

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Published at : October 18, 2021

I swear I didn't die twenty times attempting this just so I could make a joke about f*sting the Unclean One...wait.

Difficulty: Apocalypse


Armor: Osseus Helm, Osseus Husk, Osseus Kilt

Trinkets: Razorwire Necklace, Razorstone, Ring of the Unclean

Consumables: Mudtooth's Tonic, Mudtooth's Stew, Houndmaster's Jerky, Divine Essence, Beetle Extract

Mods: None

Remnant: From the Ashes is (C) Gunfire Games and Perfect World Remnant: From the Ashes- Punching the Unclean One to Death On Apocalypse Difficulty.