Published at : August 19, 2022
After Chad Wild Clay made "we broke up...", Vy Qwaint created "EXTREME PRANK HIDE & SEEK", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "Is My Girlfriend Cheating On Me?", The Spy Ninjas are return back to the safe house after escaping an evil trap, left behind by Project Zorgo's Commander, PZ9. But what they return home to, is something the Spy Ninjas would have NEVER expected. Its the Project Zorgo team taking over their home base! The gates are locked, the doors are shut, and the cameras are hacked. PZ9 and his group of hackers have successfully taken control. But how could these hackers take over one of the most secure homes in the country? With the help of PZ4, Regina. Has she truly entered the dark side? Are the Spy Ninjas going to be homeless again? What does PZ9 have in mind with his use of the safe house? Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog video in 2022!
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
Carter Sharer - LAST TO LEAVE BUNK BED WINS $10,000!!
Dhar Mann - KID FAKES Fainting To SKIP TEST, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann
MSA previously My Story Animated - who you think is more scary me or them
Jeremy Hutchins - Busting 1,000 Dangerous Myths in 24 Hours!
FaZe Rug - First to Pull Sword From The Stone Wins $10,000
▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - https://www.spyninjas.net/
▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS - https://spyninjasgadgets.com/
▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merch - https://www.spyninjasstore.com/
▶ SPY NINJA Mobile App Game - https://spyninja.page.link/cwcyoutube
Watch Spy Ninjas on YouTube here:
▶ Chad - https://www.youtube.com/user/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.youtube.com/user/VyQwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFzvquJYoSDFhd9W0JhZKw
▶ Regina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNJel5I2JYglFEn0TOXh_Q
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Ewbj-MFWA7dXgQA9y5EEw
Spy Ninjas TikTok:
▶ Chad - https://www.tiktok.com/@chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.tiktok.com/@vyqwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.tiktok.com/@danielgizmo
▶ Regina - https://www.tiktok.com/@reginaginera
▶ Melvin - https://www.tiktok.com/@spyninjaexhackermelvin
Spy Ninjas' Instagram:
▶ Spy NInjas - https://www.instagram.com/spyninjas/
▶ Chad - https://www.instagram.com/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.instagram.com/vyqwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.instagram.com/cwcdaniel
▶ Regina - https://www.instagram.com/cwcregina
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.instagram.com/spyninjamelvin/
Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here http://share.epidemicsound.com/mDVsZ
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
Carter Sharer - LAST TO LEAVE BUNK BED WINS $10,000!!
Dhar Mann - KID FAKES Fainting To SKIP TEST, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann
MSA previously My Story Animated - who you think is more scary me or them
Jeremy Hutchins - Busting 1,000 Dangerous Myths in 24 Hours!
FaZe Rug - First to Pull Sword From The Stone Wins $10,000
▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - https://www.spyninjas.net/
▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS - https://spyninjasgadgets.com/
▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merch - https://www.spyninjasstore.com/
▶ SPY NINJA Mobile App Game - https://spyninja.page.link/cwcyoutube
Watch Spy Ninjas on YouTube here:
▶ Chad - https://www.youtube.com/user/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.youtube.com/user/VyQwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFzvquJYoSDFhd9W0JhZKw
▶ Regina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNJel5I2JYglFEn0TOXh_Q
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Ewbj-MFWA7dXgQA9y5EEw
Spy Ninjas TikTok:
▶ Chad - https://www.tiktok.com/@chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.tiktok.com/@vyqwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.tiktok.com/@danielgizmo
▶ Regina - https://www.tiktok.com/@reginaginera
▶ Melvin - https://www.tiktok.com/@spyninjaexhackermelvin
Spy Ninjas' Instagram:
▶ Spy NInjas - https://www.instagram.com/spyninjas/
▶ Chad - https://www.instagram.com/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.instagram.com/vyqwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.instagram.com/cwcdaniel
▶ Regina - https://www.instagram.com/cwcregina
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.instagram.com/spyninjamelvin/
Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here http://share.epidemicsound.com/mDVsZ

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