FiNdinG AcTiviTieS In My 4 PriMary Colors!

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Published at : October 03, 2022

We used the fun color machine to determine what color our shirts will be and those colors were now the game to find activities in these four primary colors.... well, kinda because red was actually Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Green!

Welcome to The TANNERITES!
We are a family of 9 (Mom, Dad, and 7 kids) who love to experience the best of life through spontaneous adventures, being positive about life's difficulties, loving and serving others, and BEATING Cancer!

Music by: Epidemic Sound

For collaborations, business, and personal inquiries please email:


FiNdinG AcTiviTieS In My 4 PriMary Colors! Staring Savannah Tannerites, Lizzy Tannerites, Azbury Tannerites, and Canyon Tannerites. Aspen behind camera and directing! FiNdinG AcTiviTieS In My 4 PriMary Colors!
FiNdinG AcTiviTieS In My 4 PriMary Colors!finding colorsshirt colors