The seventh of the fifteen egocentric personality traits is Difficulty in assessing character

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Published at : January 11, 2023

The seventh of the fifteen egocentric personality traits is Difficulty in assessing the personal characteristics #007 #egocentric #traits

Ciri Ketujuh dari lima belas ciri kepribadian egosentris adalah Kesulitan dalam menilai karakteristik pribadi #007 #egosentris #ciri

The seventh of the fifteen egocentric personality traits is
Ciri Ketujuh dari lima belas ciri kepribadian egosentris adalah

#007 Difficulty in assessing the personal characteristics
#007 Kesulitan dalam menilai karakteristik pribadi

of the people around them
orang-orang di sekitarnya

This point results in a lack of commitment,
Poin ini menghasilkan kurangnya komitmen,

empathy and compassion between egocentric people and their relatives. empati dan kasih sayang antara orang-orang egosentris dan kerabatnya

Hypersensitivity to other people's evaluations
Hipersensitif terhadap penilaian orang lain

#007 #egocentric #traits personality #behaviors #2023 #quotes #hard #other #assessment

007, egosentris, words, selfreminder, explanation, shorts, personality, behaviors, 2023, kutipan, keras, lainnya, penilaian, The seventh of the fifteen egocentric personality traits is Difficulty in assessing character